International Studies & Programs

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High Risk Destinations

For countries with an elevated risk designation, the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security will review the trip details submitted to the MSU Global Travel Registry. You may be asked to complete a waiver request.

Any students intending to engage in MSU sponsored international travel to one of the high risk destinations (extreme or elevated) listed below, including those traveling with faculty, may be asked to submit an online high-risk travel waiver request form. If this is needed, the Office for Global Health, Safety and Security will contact the traveler(s).

Travelers should make use of the following resources as they draft their waiver request:

The list of high risk destinations that require a waiver changes regularly, so bookmark this page and check it frequently. The Risk and Security Assessment Committee considers the following sources in determining when a waiver is required: the U.S. Department of State Travel Advisories; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Travel Health Notices; the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security; and MSU security information provider analysis.

Important Note for Education Abroad Programs and Participants: There is a separate process for securing waivers for programs run through the Office for Education Abroad. For more information, please visit our education abroad webpage.

If a student’s itinerary does not include travel to a high risk destination within a country, they may be eligible for expedited review. With few exceptions, students will not be authorized to travel to extreme risk destinations. Contact us to review your itinerary.

side-by-side_sparty-night.jpgMSU Country Risk Levels

Review MSU's risk levels for various countries and access U.S. Department of State Country Information Pages. This database is updated regularly.