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MSU Global Travel Registry

All faculty, staff, and students traveling on MSU sponsored international travel (non-education abroad) must, before their departure, register their travel in the MSU Global Travel Registry before departure. Registration is an essential tool in supporting the health and safety of MSU travelers abroad.

Registration in the Travel Registry activates MSU-provided international health insurance, evacuation and repatriation insurance, facilitates the university's emergency support services, and provides you with important pre-departure information. International MSU-sponsored travelers must submit a request at least 3 weeks prior to departure.

Access to the MSU Global Travel Registry

Anyone with an MSU NetID may access the MSU Global Travel Registry. Travelers may register their itineraries or may have a fellow traveler or administrative support person register travel on their behalf. All travelers are encouraged to log in to the MSU Global Travel Registry to update their personal profile.

Travel Registration

MSU faculty, staff, and students traveling on MSU sponsored international travel (not related to an Office for Education Abroad program) must register their trip with MSU. Review this guidance on what is considered MSU sponsored international travel.

Education Abroad participants, including program directors and assistants, are already registered in the Office for Education Abroad system and do not need to register that travel in the registry. 

MSU does not support student (undergraduate or graduate) travel to high-risk destinations unless a waiver to the policy is received. More information may be found on the Student Travel to High-Risk Destinations webpage.

MSU units or departments registering international travelers should use the information provided on the Pre-Trip Authorization Form. Once the international trip is successfully registered, the traveler(s) and travel arranger (if applicable) will receive a confirmation email.

FAQs and Help

What is the MSU Global Travel Registry?

What is the purpose of the MSU Global Travel Registry?

The Global Travel Registry offers MSU travelers and travel arrangers a tool that is secure and user-friendly, while enhancing the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security’s ability to offer travel safety support to MSU travelers. This new system provides additional reporting functions for university leadership to aid in long-term planning, identification of new grant opportunities, and collaboration of international projects across units.

What is the URL for the MSU Global Travel Registry?

The URL is Anyone with an MSU NetID can access the system.

Is the MSU Global Travel Registry available as an application for my phone?

Yes! Mobile apps are available for download:



What’s new about the MSU Global Travel Registry?

  • Travelers may register their own MSU-affiliated travel or choose to have a unit administrator enter their travel
  • Simplified log-in process (no need to request access to the system – anyone with an MSU NetID will have access)
  • Faster registration - registering a trip takes, on average, 2-5 minutes
  • Facilitates group travel – individuals no longer need to be registered separately
  • Enhanced integration with Google Maps
  • Creates a traveler profile to avoid re-entering the same information on subsequent trips
  • Trip information is easy to edit prior to departure

What happened to the old Travelers Abroad Database?

The MSU Global Travel Registry replaced the Travelers Abroad Database.  All web links to the Travelers Abroad Database were redirected to the MSU Global Travel Registry, effective April 19, 2017.


Who Should Register?

Who should register in the MSU Global Travel Registry?

All MSU faculty, staff, students, and approved guests (e.g. consultants) traveling on MSU sponsored international travel. Only individuals with an MSU NetID can register travel.

I am participating in an education abroad program for credit (formerly known as study abroad), do I need to register in the MSU Global Travel Registry?

No. The MSU Global Travel Registry is for non-credit, MSU-sponsored international travel only.

Do I have to register domestic travel?

No.  Only international travel should be entered in the MSU Global Travel Registry.

If you would like to learn more about domestic insurance for a visitor coming to MSU from outside of the United States, please visit Risk Management and Insurance information for Inbound Travel.

Can I register my own (MSU-sponsored international) travel in the MSU Global Travel Registry?

Yes, if you have an MSU NetID.

Can I still register travel on behalf of someone else?

Yes. If you are part of a team from MSU or an administrator or leader arranging a group trip, you can register others on that trip. Please follow the guidelines below.

Can we register group travel?

Yes. The MSU Global Travel Registry simplifies the process for registering group travel. One trip registration may be entered for travelers following the same itinerary and using the same accommodations. You will be asked to list the names of each traveler and the contact information for each traveler.

Should travelers coming to MSU from a country outside the United States be registered in the MSU Global Travel Registry?

No. The registry is only for outbound international travel.

Travel Information and Resources

Do I have access to itineraries that I previously registered in the Global Travel Registry?

Yes. You are able to copy any trips registered in the MSU Global Travel Registry if you need to register a trip similar to one previously undertaken.

Will I be able to search for and see travel itineraries for others in my department or unit?

You can search for and see any travel itineraries that you have created or for which you are a traveler or trip editor. Unit administrators will receive training and access to such data for their department or unit. ISP/OIHS will administer cross-unit requests for data.

What if I am going to a high-risk destination? 

MSU does not support undergraduate or graduate student travel to high-risk destinations a waiver is reviewed by the Risk and Security Assessment Committee and approved by the Provost. If you register a trip to a high-risk destination that includes a student or students you will receive an email advising that travel cannot be registered until a waiver is approved. We recommend submitting a waiver request at least 4 weeks before departure and before the purchase of airline tickets. For more information on the waiver request process, please see the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security website.

Will registration in the new system automatically enroll travelers in international health and political unrest/natural disaster evacuation insurance coverage?

Email notification from the registry will confirm travel registration and enrollment in International SOS. Note that students traveling to a high-risk destination must obtain a waiver before registration may be confirmed and coverage activated. See the waiver request instructions for further information.

Will the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security reach out to travelers while they are abroad?

It's possible. The Global Health, Safety, and Security team is constantly monitoring events oversees and if the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security determines there is a need to communicate with travelers, we will reach out by email. Travelers should therefore keep an eye on their MSU email while traveling internationally.

Sometimes when a health, safety, or security incident occurs abroad, the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security will reach out to travelers to share travel safety information and to confirm travelers' well-being. The Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security may not reach out every time there is an incident for a variety of reasons including if it is clear that an incident is unlikely to have affected travelers. If you are traveling abroad and looking for travel safety information, do not hesitate to reach out.

What if I have programmatic or administrative questions about using the MSU Global Travel Registry?

Please contact MSU’s Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security at globalsafety(at) or 517-884-2174.

Operational Guidelines

What type of information will I need to register a trip?

Traveler(s)’s location

Travel dates (for each leg of the trip, if applicable)

Travel Funding Source (select primary or largest source of funding)

  • MSU-Funded: traveling on MSU business using MSU general and/or designated funds (preceded by a “G” or “D” in the MSU financial system)
  • Externally-Funded: traveling on MSU business using funds from grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, endowments, or auxiliary sources (preceded by an “R” or “A” in the MSU financial system)
  • Invitational Travel: traveling on MSU business using funds provided by a non-MSU third party outside the MSU financial system (e.g. consulting, sponsored travel, hosted travel)
  • Self-Funded: traveling on MSU business using personal funds

Travel Reasons (select 1 or 2)

  • For Credit Learning: (Not registered with the Office for Education Abroad) Includes graduate student thesis work, enrollment in institution or program outside the US for credit based learning that will be transferred back to MSU, internships that are credit based, including Mastercard Foundation Scholars.
  • Not For Credit Learning: Includes service learning, engagement projects, internships that do not generate credit, but are affiliated with MSU via RSO’s, Alternative Spartan break, etc.
  • Teaching: Faculty, Staff, Graduate students, or guest faculty who are travelling internationally for the purpose of teaching/supervision at another institution or international site. This includes faculty accompanying graduate students or student groups that are going for service learning or community engagement trips that are connected to MSU via RSOs and other affiliated MSU groups.
  • Research and Creative Endeavors: Undertaken in connection with enrollment or employment at MSU. This includes international research teams employed by MSU on team research projects, based internationally.
  • Conference or Meeting Attendance: Includes attendees, presenters, or organizers.
  • Site Visit: International travel undertaken primarily to visit an actual or prospective MSU international location. Example: study abroad program proposal site visit.
  • International Capacity Building: International travel undertaken in connection with international development priorities or projects in which MSU is a partner or stakeholder.
  • Administrative: International travel undertaken to fulfill administrative duties related to employment at MSU.
  • Recruitment: MSU recruitment of either faculty or students outside of the United States.
  • Advancement: International travel undertaken to fulfill institutional advancement responsibilities relating to employment at MSU.
  • Consulting: International travel undertaken in order to consult with international partners related to traveler’s work as an MSU employee.
  • Other

In-Travel Contact Information (such as local cell phone number, Skype username etc.) for as many travelers as possible.

I am having technical issues with the MSU Global Travel Registry, what should I do?

If you are using Internet Explorer, try switching to a different browser such as Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. If you continue to experience issues, contact IT Services at 517-432-6200 or ithelp(at)

I have feedback about the MSU Global Travel Registry. Who should I contact?

Please feel free to email feedback to globalsafety(at) We appreciate your feedback! If we need more information from you, we will be in touch. 

MSU Global Travel Registry Training Video